Forms of Brick

There are different forms of brick on the basis on their length breadth and height orientation.

Full Brick: If the brick is not disturbed in it’s original 3 dimensional orientation it is called full brick.

Half Bat: If the brick is halved from the length.

Quarter Bat: If the brick is quarter cut from the length.

Beveled Bat: If half bat is cut with it’s width full cut and length side half cut

Queen Closer: If the brick is halved from the width.

Queen Closer Quarter: If the queen closer is halved from the length.

King Closer: If brick is cut at half of both length and width

Beveled Closer: If brick is cut with half of one dimension and full of other dimension.

Mitred Closer: If brick is cut to full width and angled at 45 to 60 degree towards length

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