Difference between CPM and PERT Method in project management

CPM PERT CPM stands for critical path method PERT stands for program evaluation and review technique It is activity based method It is event based method It is used in repetitive works like construction It is used in non-repetitive works like research It is deterministic method with single time estimate It is probabilistic method with three time estimate namely optimistic, most probable and pessimistic It is concerned with control of cost and time It is only concerned with control of […]

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Dry weight of sand mortar

Mortar is heterogeneous mixture of cement sand and water. Water reacts chemically with cement ingredients resulting in hydration of cement and fills the voids between cement and sand. As water is added to dry cement sand mixture the volume reduced. For quantity estimate of cement sand mortar the wet mortar’s volume should be increased to account for Dry weight of mortar = Wet weight of mortar * 1.33

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